2556th Buddha Jayanti

2556th Buddha Jayanti

By Mr Raj Kumar Gurung

Buddha Jayanti is also known as Buddha Purnima. It is very important festival and religion for Buddhists. For more than 2500 years, it has been inspiration to many civilizations. According to Buddha deeds of body, of speech or mind that lead to others well being are usually motivated by generosity and wisdom because they bring happiness. Buddha Jayanti falls on the full moon of the fourth lunar month (month of Baisakh) i.e. April or May. This day is important due to Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment i.e. supreme of wisdom and death. These three major events have happened in this day. In this regard,Gurung Samaj Nederland celebrated 2556th Buddha Jayanti on Thursday May 03, 2012 at Wereldpand Mercatorplein 17, 1057 BZ, Amsterdam.
Our program started around 1 P.M. GSN General Secretary Mr. Raj Kumar Gurung announced the opening of program and requested for inauguration of program to senior GSN members Mr. Rekh Gurung, Mrs. Sangeeta Gurung and Lama Tsewang Namgel by lighting candles to Lord Buddha. After inauguration, other GSN members and visitors also lit candles to Lord Buddha. Then, GSN President Mr. Bikash Gurung welcomed all the audience by welcome speech. In his speech, Mr. President explained that mostly Indian government and Indian people are misusing about Buddha’s birthplace. They (Indian) are saying that Buddha was born in India. In this regard, our duty is to show the world that Buddha was born in Nepal not in India. So, GSN is celebrating Buddha Jayanti yearly wise to show the true fact to the community and preserve culture.

Our main program started from praying to Lord Buddha by Tsewang Namgel. He explained all the praying songs of Lord Buddha. Lama Tsewang Lamgel is a scholar in Buddhism. He earned his Buddhism education degree in India. Since 20 years, he has been translating Tibetan language to Dutch language to the Dutch audience in the Netherlands about Buddhism. So, all the praying songs of Buddha were quite interesting.

After praying, Lama Tsewang Namgel told a short autobiography of Lord Buddha. He explained how Buddha got married with Yashodhara which was quite interesting. He also told incarnation story of Lord Buddha. He explained about Buddha’s first five students with their earlier life. Then, we have about half hour break for lunch. After the life story of Buddha, Tsewang Namgel explained about meditation. Buddha advocated for peace. Peace can be gained by doing meditation. So, Buddhism and meditation are related with each other. Lama Tsewang Namgel explained the techniques and types of meditation. Lama insisted that our mind and soul should be cleaned (pure). If our mind is disturbed and soul is not calm then life will be miserable. Luxury and materials can’t bring happiness. If we follow the preaching of Lord Buddha then our mind will have peace. Internal beauty is divine. Physical beauty has minor importance. In conclusion, sorrow and desire are the main cause of all the evil and suffering of this world and practicing Buddhism could reduce it. After this, GSN president Mr. Bikash Gurung honoured Lama Tsewang Namgel by Khata as a token of love. In this way, we celebrated 2556th Buddha Jayanti successfully. It is a source of great cultural achievement and meaningful guide to the very purpose of life for millions of people throughout the world. He focused on practice of quality and moral life. In all history, no wars have been ever fought in the name of Buddhism.


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